Star Wars: Battlefront II has taught me some things about the galaxy far far away I never noticed before. Like how Jar Jar Abrams Karked up and didn’t make any type of bomber class star-fighters for the first order. EA and the trade federation have a lot more in common than they’d like you to believe and just like the trade federation they answer to the Dark Lord that is Disney.

Now that the game has been out for 5 months the journey seems to finally be looking up. Loot crates are a thing of the past, replaced by an easy and accessible progressive system. More customization options came out on the 18th (so we can finally spend those credits we’ve been saving) and the new game mode Night on Endor is now live.

But what is Night on Endor? Well I’m glad I asked for you. It’s a survival style game mode where a group of bucket-heads venture into the dark forests of endor and must survive the onslaught of an adorable nightmare. Storm trooper vs Ewoks might not be the Clone Wars content we were hoping for, but I’m actually pretty excited about this.

Yet again, Battlefront teaches me things: Ewoks are terrifying. One team plays as Storm Troopers and the other Ewoks. Ewoks can’t take as much damage, but if an Ewok kills a Storm Trooper that player will respawn as another Ewok rather than Empire reinforcements. Furthermore, the Storm Troopers are forced to play in first person mode and the map is incredibly dark. You do have a flashlight but it only last for about 30 seconds at a time with about a 5 second recharge time. The Ewoks on the other hand can see great in the dark, and are equipped with a few tricks up they’re sleeves, well… arms. Its pretty great. If you’ve ever played the zombie mods on Counter Strike you should be familiar with the concept.

But wait, there’s more!

We can expect season 2 in May to go with the release of SOLO: a Star Wars Story. Which will come with the new Kessel map, two new heros from the movie and young Han and Lando skins. So at least I have a new hope that they won’t suck.

DICE has also said that we can expect more frequent DLC updates now that the in-game stuff they have been focusing on is relatively finished. I’ve got my hopes for Clone Wars, but I’d also like to see some Star Wars REBELS and Rogue One content in the future.

Let us know what you would like to see in Star Wars: Battlefront II!

Nathan Stewart

Nathan is a video game addict and Star Wars fanatic. He likes to rise up, especially daily.

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