Dubbed as “AN INKTOBER COMIC BY SETH T. HAHNE,” this short little zine-style comic is succinct, charming, and sad all in one go.

By the time you realize the state of the world, you’re traveling right alongside the two characters featured.

“I flipped through my doodlebook for inspiration,” says Seth of his process in creating this book, “and saw a drawing of Moby Dick. 40 minutes later, I had the full script for this story, Ghost Towns. And a half hour after that, I had the whole thing thumbnailed. I used a mix of pen (Micron Graphic 1) and ink.”

The comic starts off feeling like a coming of age story with two friends bantering about the novel Moby Dick and what it may or may not mean. As soon as you realize the characters are all alone in the world, the interpretation of the meaning of the novel takes on even more weight.

It’s a short story, and I don’t want to spoil things more than I already have, so the only other thing I will say is that you should definitely pick one of these up if you dig comics and zines.

Shahab Zargari

Shahab is a filmmaker, father and a huge geek.

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