She Sees Red from Rhinotales, will launch on iOS and Android Wednesday, December 4 for $2.99. The game is already available on Steam for $7.99

Make choices. Affect change. Inhabit the mind of a killer in She Sees Red.

If you’re familiar with Netflix’s interactive film Bandersnatch, this is the type of adventure that awaits you in She Sees Red. Only this film is a 30 minute short, and not a feature film.

The writing, acting, lighting, and editing is all top notch. The game held my attention through multiple play-throughs until I had watch a total of 53 scenes out of a total of 63, at which point I decided to move on.

The only gripe I have is a personal one for all stories like this with branching paths. All of these interactive films seem to model themselves after those old school Choose Your Own Adventure Books, where different choices would not only lead you down different paths, but those paths inherently change the dynamics of the characters and the truths of their world; multiverse style. That’s not a bad model, but I would like to see someone tackle an interactive film where the different paths simply show you different angles of the same universe. That, I feel, would be much harder to pull off well, but the reward would be immense.

This game was super fun and interesting. But be warned, it is very violent and bloody and has a topless woman in a bathtub in one or more of the possible paths. Prudes need not download.

Shahab Zargari

Shahab is a filmmaker, father and a huge geek.

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