Day, night, morning and noon. Sky, ground and oxygen. Something to which everyone can relate. Relating to what you ask? Relating to existing, of course.

If you didn’t exist, how could you comprehend the stuff I say? How do you even know I said anything? Technically I didn’t. I wrote it. Writing is a way to say stuff without actually saying anything at all.

You can say so much, or even write so much, yet say so little. Just ask the frozen corpse of L. Ron Hubbard. The possibilities reach as far as your imagination and literacy can take you. Some further than others. But others further than some.

Some what? Some relation. Some thing you can imagine. A feeling.

Like when you were reading the subtitles in that foreign film, you could imagine them saying that thing about their feelings in a language you understand. You know what it’s like to feel. So you could relate to the characters who were reflecting their thoughts on their feelings. You felt connected to them. Maybe. Maybe you felt the need to connect with the human trapped in a two dimensional world of glorious 4k. But why? Why the need to feel stuff?

Well, in a world filled with so much stuff it’s important to understand how certain stuff feels. Like if you’re standing in lava, the feeling of pure agony allows you to understand that what is happening sucks and there is way better stuff that could be happening to you in that moment.

Without feeling stuff, there’s no reason to do anything at all. Even medication that is meant to numb feelings still makes the user FEEL the sensation of numbness. Which is feeling the lack of a feeling.

But I’m not hear to talk about what medications work best for you. I’m here to see if you noticed that I spelled here, “hear”, which is the wrong “here” for that statement.

You did!? That’s splendid. I’m glad to hear that. BULLSEYE!

But I digress. I feel something happening. A connection maybe? You’ve stuck with me thus far. That feeling you have right now it’s…called wonder. And you’re wondering how long I can keep this up. Just like I’m wondering how my editor must feel. Being given the stoned ramblings of a mad man because I have the I.Q of an over grown snail who didn’t even make it past the 4th grade, which, I feel, is pretty impressive for a snail, but what do I know? I never made it past the 4th grade! And I think we’re both feeling that I should wrap this up soon. But you’re also probably wondering if I will… (Did you scroll down? That’d be funny if you did.)

But I agree, this is starting to feel drawn out. Kinda like meditation. The absence of thought. But being a part of the everything of the moment. You could make a list of everything that I said, but you could also say that nothing in this holds any meaning. But that’s kinda what life is. You can feel as if you’re everything and really amount to nothing. But even if you’re nothing. You’re made of the same stuff as everything else and therefore could be everything you want. Ain’t that some stuff worth feeling?

Thanks for sticking with me to the end of this stream-of-consciousness experiment. Normally, I review video games and movies for Rise Up Daily, and you can check those out here!

Nathan Stewart

Nathan is a video game addict and Star Wars fanatic. He likes to rise up, especially daily.

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