Matt Ruff and Blake Collier speak to Amir Ebrahimnia and Simón Rojas, co-founders of Derooted Immersive, about what creativity looks like when working with major brands, how the quarantine has shifted the work they do and affected their day-to-day business, and what they see as the benefits and potential drawbacks of immersive technology.


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Blake I. Collier

Blake I. Collier hails from the flatlands of the Texas Panhandle, but currently resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma with his wife and son. He draws lines (and the occasional circle) for his day job. He has written for various websites mostly about horror and film, but occasionally about the other various facets of existence. He is co-host of So Grosse Such Pointe Much Blank, a podcast focusing specifically on the 1997 film, Grosse Pointe Blank. He, also, has a chapter on QAnon and the 2008 film, Martyrs, in Toxic Cultures: A Companion from Peter Lang Publishing. You can reach him at

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